Thursday, May 04, 2006

Cycling at East Coast Park

Last Saturday (29/4) morning, the whole family went to East Coast Park for cycling and a little bit of exercising. As usual, we brought Inka and Irza's bicycles there, while I and my wife rented a tandem bicycle from one of the bicycle kiosks there. Fortunately, the weather was just nice, not too hot and a bit cloudy, but not raining either. Just nice. :)

We cycled along the bicycle path for quite some time. After about 45 minutes, Inka and Irza looked a bit tired. So I returned the tandem bicycle to the kiosk and then we walked towards McDonalds to have some breakfast. Inka and Irza enjoyed their big breakfast and hotcakes a lot, quite a bit hungry after cycling for quite some time.

After finishing their breakfast, Inka and Irza took some time playing at the playground just beside the restaurant. The playground is provided by McDonalds for its customers there.

More pictures can be found here.

[Indonesian version]

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